Monthly Archives: June 2023

What is it?


What is it that makes me forgive them over and over again? Is it how cute they can be? Is it that I believe in their ability to become obedient and calm dogs? Is it their loyalty like when they sat on me while I was in a heated argument? Is it the way they love my son?

No clue, but I forgive and forget WAY too easily!

Finding Someone to Keep your Dog


We are going on vacation, so our big dilemma is where our dogs should stay. We want them to be safe, welcome and not too big of a nuisance. We want them to be loved and played with so they will not get anxious. Finally, we want them to have grace if they act like themselves.

I am literally stressing out more packing for my dogs than my kid! No clue when I fell in love-but clearly I did!

Security Toy

Security Toy

Whenever I am in my room (which is the only way to be left alone), the dogs wait outside until I come back.

You will always find Henry with a ball in his mouth…always. We have to hide it if playing is not allowed. He protects it, hoards it, chews it…lives for the next chance to play ball.

Ellie likes taking it away from Henry, but she is not obsessed like him. He lives for the ball!

Why I Really Keep these Dogs?

Why I Really Keep these Dogs?

These dogs have destroyed so much: glasses, shoes, walls, toys, furniture…our sanity! But here is why they will forever stay…

A few weeks ago, my spouse and I got into a heated argument. We are not violent people, but we can get loud. My dogs sensed the tension and literally laid on my body while I sat in the chair.

They were still, quiet and both guarded me until we walked away.

They will forever be my dogs. Loyalty is everything. These dogs are blessings from God-most days🤣

Great Fathers

Great Fathers

I have been blessed with incredible male role models. I know how fortunate I am as I hear about daddy issues all the time!

It started with my Paw Paw.

Then my amazing dad.

My dad!

Together, they modeled Christ-like love!

So I fell in love with Jesus.

Now I get to watch the work it takes by watching my husband be a father to our child. My father and Paw Paw made it look easy…I see how hard it is and how much selfless sacrifice it takes.

The love of the men in my life make it hard on Nathan because I want to be the Queen. I was raised that way.

District Teacher of the Year

District Teacher of the Year

After being selected as the school Teacher of the Year, I was asked to write an essay for the district TOY.

I was honored to be chosen the District Teacher of the Year! Now I write another two essays and a video interview to be considered for Regional Teacher of the Year.