Tag Archives: sacrifice

Great Fathers

Great Fathers

I have been blessed with incredible male role models. I know how fortunate I am as I hear about daddy issues all the time!

It started with my Paw Paw.

Then my amazing dad.

My dad!

Together, they modeled Christ-like love!

So I fell in love with Jesus.

Now I get to watch the work it takes by watching my husband be a father to our child. My father and Paw Paw made it look easy…I see how hard it is and how much selfless sacrifice it takes.

The love of the men in my life make it hard on Nathan because I want to be the Queen. I was raised that way.

How Far Would you Go to Save the Marriage?


My husband has for a long time had issues with the time I spend on social media. He often says I would choose my phone over him and feels he is second place to my Facebook.

I feel my time on my device has days where it gets excessive, but nothing out of control. My biggest issue is my focus. I find myself wanting to be accessible which often distracts me, but when I am busy the phone is not an issue.

However, to prove my love I deactivated my Facebook account so I can focus on my marriage. We shall see if it makes a difference, but it will at least prove I care enough to listen to his opinion and get outvof my comfort zone please him.

So far I have learned I have way more my time not on Facebook.😁

A Mother’s Love


Reading about the Naya Rivera story…a story of a mother that used her last bit of energy to save her son before drowning…hit me hard as a mom.

I feel her frantic trying to keep her child safe.

I feel her fatigue using all her energy for another’s life.

I feel her panic that she cannot swim any longer.

I feel her love for her child and his future.

I know if she had any fight left in her or clarity of mind to make a plan then she would have done more/anything to save herself. As a mom, we want to be on the front row of watching our children succeed. Nothing breaks my heart more than to imagine not being able to see my child grow up. Not being the one to give the hugs, cheers and watch them grow into adults. I know it devastated her to not get into that boat with him. She gave her life for him.

“No greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.”

Jesus understands this kind of love for His children. He gave his life for me. He chose to die so that I could live. He gave all his energy and breathed his final breath only after He knew I was safe. I owe him my life.

I owe it to God to live my life to the fullest because He sacrificed his for mine. I owe it to God to be thankful for the gift. I owe it to him to tell others about this love.

I do not understand much about parenting, but I get the deep love for the life of a child. I will forever be connected to Naya Rivera on this deep love that you would use your last ounce of energy before letting go. Praying for her family as they navigate a future without her and praying for hearts to be opened that this kind of love is found in Jesus Christ for you and me.