Category Archives: breathing

Swimming Lessons for the Swimmer?!


When I tell people that my son has swim lessons, I get asked, “I thought he already could swim?” My answer is “Yes, he can swim like a fish…but he can always be better.”

I believe you can never be too good of a swimmer. Every day swimmers are drowning. A big story that made the news recently is Naya Rivera drowning. She was a swimmer that got tired and sadly her body gave out. It could happen to any of us.

My swimmer’s class consists of proper breathing, survival swimming, treading water, back stroke and floating on your back in a way that saves energy. He is learning breathing and positions that can save a tired body.

I was snorkeling a few years ago and got very winded. I could not touch and the boat was quite a ways off. Thank the Lord I knew to float on my back because it saved my life. I was on the verge of panicking when I realized I was tired. Sinking in this water would have been deadly…that back float gave me what I needed to make it to the boat.

I want him out of his comfort zone.

This type of swimming is what I need my kid to know. How to breathe and use his body wisely in the water. To be smart with his energy for the days he goes swimming without me. So yes my fish-like child is taking swimming lessons and I encourage other kids to do the same.