Category Archives: teachers



What are the things you hope no one knows? The things you keep hidden so you do not appear imperfect? My word this year is uncomfortable, which is challenging to say the least. Here are some things that I struggle with:

I hope no one knows I take anxiety medication so my Lupus does not flare due to stress.

I wish my house was updated and an interior designer would come in to paint the walls and decorate.

My marriage is one big fight from being over.

My body is never good enough and I compare all the time.

I may be teacher of the year, but my test scores are always lacking and I feel that one day I will be punished because I cannot get them higher.

I am infertile and I question if it has to do with the sin of my past.

I worry most about failing as a mom with his weight, screen time, education and work ethic.

I struggle with a shopping addiction and get distracted with social media.

I hope no one ever sees what is really in my heart.

I had to take out a loan to pay for a massive amount of debt.

I am an imperfect person in need of a perfect Savior.

Maybe you are, too.

District Teacher of the Year

District Teacher of the Year

After being selected as the school Teacher of the Year, I was asked to write an essay for the district TOY.

I was honored to be chosen the District Teacher of the Year! Now I write another two essays and a video interview to be considered for Regional Teacher of the Year.

Teacher of the Year


You definitely do not need to be nominated to  know your value as a teacher. Parent gifts and children letters affirm this truth daily.

However, getting recognized by your peers is a blessing and an affirmation that they see your hard work. I want my building to see I am a team player above all else. I will show up when I can or prepare if I am unable. I will help out where needed, including in the rain or when it makes me uncomfortable.

I will step back and let others lead and follow willingly. In teaching, it comes down to team.



Getting ready for his annual ARD. Makes me cry every time. I love his progress, but knowing how much he struggles is hard for my mom and teacher heart. I have to learn that God has a plan and His ways are perfect. I also have to let go of what it means to be on grade level or normal or average or behind and just accept that this is his level. Being a SPED parent is hard and we often forget the real human emotions in the midst of all the documentation and paperwork.

Teacher Shortage Problems


One of the biggest changes facing our educational system is the mental health of teachers. Teachers are seeing the value in self care and choosing to limit the things we say yes to do. But here is the problem-these things will be done whether you say yes or not. So what is happening is a small few doing the “extra duties as assigned” of a large group.

A few things on that list:


UIL coach

Battle of the Books Coach

School committees

District committees

Team Leads


Morning and afternoon duty

After school clubs

Gifted programs like DI

All these things benefit kids, but adult volunteers have to run them.

Teacher Love


I truly believe we are in the age of a teaching revolution where the spotlight will be how we can support education. Already seeing more reforms for stipends, better security and awareness of the teacher shortage and how the community can support us.

I love it. I feel valued and heard. It inspires me to keep going knowing I am seen. Teachers should be respected, but it starts with respecting ourselves.

Be the professionals we are in our dress, conduct and attitudes of what we do. I am not saying jeans are bad-but do not roll up like you are about to garden. In fact, I would prefer scrubs!

I am looking forward to a year where it is acknowledged that teachers have been leaving (and may continue to go) so embrace the ones that stayed. Value the extra confident ones while supporting and encouraging the ones that see the struggle.

We are in this together and there is room at the table for more educators ready to join together and speak truth of critical needs that should be addressed such as increasing veteran teacher pay. How many companies enter your best pay your first year (new and clueless) and after 20 years make about 8k more than when you started? 8% increase over 20 years?!? We can do better.

Positive Change for Teachers


We are not baby-sitters. Summers are not completely off. Anyone cannot be a teacher. It does require a college degree. Our job is not easy. It is not true “If you cannot do-then teach.”

I have heard this and more and it is just.plain.wrong. But finally, our voices are being heard as there is a MASSIVE teacher shortage across the entire USA.

For the first time in my career districts are negotiating and offering incentives for teachers. What we do is challenging and most do not do it for money, but so good for others to see our value and importance then recognize it with more decent wages. Teachers are priceless and I hope this brings the reform and change in mindset we deserve. This season will be hard, but with our voices we can bring about some change!

Teachers-do not let this time in history pass us by! God is doing something in this hardship and making a way. He has heard our prayers. We are some of the most graceful, patient, flexible, persevering people on the planet (this is why we make great teachers), but those traits have often get us run over with long, unpaid hours, little to no yearly raises, increased health insurance expenses (since we have the time to go to the doctor), ridiculous political mandates that have no benefit for the kids just brings about more paperwork. Sometimes I think we do not even take ourselves seriously in an effort to be humble. But when schools were shut down, we stepped up with innovation and new ideas-quickly. This is our time to be heard,show our value, model our professionalism and gifts/talents. We do this with our actions and being willing to have the hard conversations in love for the kids.

The pandemic knocked us down, but we got back up and are now stronger and for the first time seen. The world is watching! This is our time and we are ready!

Mullet Vote


Do you like voting? Do you like mullets? Do you have a Facebook?

Well, as a teacher, I support all things including bad haircuts. This is a student I will have this year, so if I have to see this haircut every day might as well help him win.

Just click the link at the top. Click the post. Count 29 mullets down. Like the pic that looks like this-he is a sweet kid!

We can discuss why mullets made a comeback and how to stop it on another day. 🤣

You never know where the story will go…


In education, you plant the seed, but you do not always see the result. I have been blessed and fortunate to be part of two big stories where teaching and growing come together. It is these stories that keep me going as a classroom teacher despite the rough season of mental health and school safety.

This weekend I got to witness a former student give a graduation speech as valedictorian! A student that set the goal of top in her class in my classroom. What joy to see BOTH valedictorians in the same space!

Teaching is hard, but so fulfilling! My advice to all teachers is plant the seed and step back. It may take awhile, but it will grow! Even if you never see it, something was planted.

Teachers Cry


I live about 6 hours from Uvalde, Texas the place of a horrific school shooting. I cannot count the number of tears that have been shed over this senseless murder. Sadly, these shootings have become a new norm-but this one shook me hard.

The kids were around the age I teach.

The school was in Texas.

Teachers died trying to save their students.

They followed all the rules. Practiced all the drills and were left to take care of themselves. As teachers, we know our job is important, but it is now dangerous. We are expected to die protecting our students…even if it is not expected-we would do it. They are kids and we love them…it is how we are made and why we are called to teach.

But I am angry at our system.

Those kids had to save themselves. That should not have happened. So much went wrong that it makes me angry and afraid. As a teacher, do I need to defend myself and not rely on the protocols that they give us? The help stood outside the door while kids begged for help to arrive. Even parents were willing to go in…kids saved each other while adults stood outside the door.

Outside the door while multiple 911 calls came in from a room where they thought everyone had died.

I cannot imagine the trauma the survivors will endure the rest of their lives. What if that were my child? It makes me angry.

As teachers, we all relate because really we all experience the same thing. Teachers get teachers. The car lines, the absent parents, report cards, workrooms, low pay, summers, staff development…different school…different city but same experience. We can all relate.

So tonight I struggle because I can relate to Uvalde. Propping the door is never okay, but I have done it because I forgot my keys in my room. Awards assemblies always bring more people on campus which is more chaos, end of year is full of movies and chill time with friends, locked doors can be annoying because you hear knocking all day long. The kids love to lock their friends out or play at the window. I get it. All teachers do.

Yet 2 teachers died along with 19 kids and I cannot wrap my head around the fact they were sitting ducks left for over an hour when every drill I have ever done they say they will get us. Remain quiet until we get you they say.

They did not get them. There is no excuse.

Teaching is one of the hardest professions and this May it just got harder. May God be with the families and city of Uvalde. You are light in the darkness and I pray the catalyst for much needed change and recognition.