Tag Archives: uncomfortable



What are the things you hope no one knows? The things you keep hidden so you do not appear imperfect? My word this year is uncomfortable, which is challenging to say the least. Here are some things that I struggle with:

I hope no one knows I take anxiety medication so my Lupus does not flare due to stress.

I wish my house was updated and an interior designer would come in to paint the walls and decorate.

My marriage is one big fight from being over.

My body is never good enough and I compare all the time.

I may be teacher of the year, but my test scores are always lacking and I feel that one day I will be punished because I cannot get them higher.

I am infertile and I question if it has to do with the sin of my past.

I worry most about failing as a mom with his weight, screen time, education and work ethic.

I struggle with a shopping addiction and get distracted with social media.

I hope no one ever sees what is really in my heart.

I had to take out a loan to pay for a massive amount of debt.

I am an imperfect person in need of a perfect Savior.

Maybe you are, too.



My 2023 word of the year is here! I love doing this rather than SMART goals because it encourages me to lose control of ME doing the change and lets God speak to me as I look and listen and BE STILL.

My words that grew me the most were grace (that year my marriage imploded), vulnerable (the year the pandemic hit) and last year was Joy (my first year to ever really dive into therapy and learn circumstances have nothing to do with what has my focus and heart).

I know this word will push me, drive me and teach me and I am ready. Stepping out of my comfort, being okay to do it afraid, focusing on what other people may need from me rather than what I want to give, doing what should be done even if it is hard or takes lots of my time and energy, having the hard conversation even if it makes me cringe and being willing to walk away and accept change if God creates a door.

Honestly, maybe it is as simple as make the changes for my health even if it is more exercise and saying no to delicious foods or drinks that wreck my body.

Who knows…but I am ready for the next 365. Time to get uncomfortable.

New Year Now What?


I prefer to see the new year less as an event and more like an opportunity. It is after all just the next day to a new calendar year. I mean what if we did this much goal setting each week or month? How much more intentional could we be?

But I love reflecting and seeing the big picture in deciding what works and what does not and see it as an opportunity to get uncomfortable and do something about it.

Cheers to the unseen opportunities of 2023! May God be at the center of it all and may you find your worth, value and acceptance by being in awe of Him!