Tag Archives: Goldens

Fireworks and Anxious Dogs


Fireworks bring out the best in dogs, right? Add that to the fact we live in the country where fireworks are legal…you have a dog disaster. Ellie handles them well…Henry does not!

I give the medicine and put on the vest. Last night I held a chew toy. What seems to work best…is my attention. The blessing and gift from God in the madness…is the cuddles and hugs from a dog that rarely sits still.

Happy 4th of July!

Why I Really Keep these Dogs?

Why I Really Keep these Dogs?

These dogs have destroyed so much: glasses, shoes, walls, toys, furniture…our sanity! But here is why they will forever stay…

A few weeks ago, my spouse and I got into a heated argument. We are not violent people, but we can get loud. My dogs sensed the tension and literally laid on my body while I sat in the chair.

They were still, quiet and both guarded me until we walked away.

They will forever be my dogs. Loyalty is everything. These dogs are blessings from God-most days🤣