Tag Archives: anxiety

Fireworks and Anxious Dogs


Fireworks bring out the best in dogs, right? Add that to the fact we live in the country where fireworks are legal…you have a dog disaster. Ellie handles them well…Henry does not!

I give the medicine and put on the vest. Last night I held a chew toy. What seems to work best…is my attention. The blessing and gift from God in the madness…is the cuddles and hugs from a dog that rarely sits still.

Happy 4th of July!

Dog Anxiety Update


Our lovable, but anxious dog has been on anxiety meds for about three weeks. We have seen some relief on his part including more of an ability to rest. We have seen a HUGE difference with adding a security vest. Even his new harness gives him some ease. Anything to keep us all sane!

Security Toy

Security Toy

Whenever I am in my room (which is the only way to be left alone), the dogs wait outside until I come back.

You will always find Henry with a ball in his mouth…always. We have to hide it if playing is not allowed. He protects it, hoards it, chews it…lives for the next chance to play ball.

Ellie likes taking it away from Henry, but she is not obsessed like him. He lives for the ball!

Dog Anxiety


I feel mostly confident this dog has anxiety. He only wants to gnaw at my hand whenever we release him from the kennel. He is so big that he practically runs me down to get his paws on my shoulders.

I suspect a disorder because Ellie (litter sister) does not act like this at all. She is energy but calm, and we feel pretty confident she is normal. God makes all things good, but Henry might need a touch up from His maker.

What were thinking getting two?🤣