Tag Archives: grace

What is it?


What is it that makes me forgive them over and over again? Is it how cute they can be? Is it that I believe in their ability to become obedient and calm dogs? Is it their loyalty like when they sat on me while I was in a heated argument? Is it the way they love my son?

No clue, but I forgive and forget WAY too easily!

Be a Good Neighbor


On this Good Friday where we celebrate the life Jesus Christ gave willingly for our sins to be redeemed, I am reminded the importance of His love. His love I do not deserve. His love that sets me free. His love that allows me to love others.

A sweet neighbor just dropped off a basket for my son. A basket that will make him smile and feel special. A basket from a “big kid” that he looks up to. I need to do better at being a good neighbor and loving others the way Christ loves me.

It may seem simple, but this is why Jesus Christ came to this Earth as a man. To teach us to love so we can love others and influence the world. We are Chosen. It is in us; our call is to share it.