Tag Archives: therapy

Therapy Dog


Henry is not often described as helpful. Anxious, crazy, psycho…those are first three words that come to mind. Today, he was important.

My son lost his favorite stuffed toy in the most dramatic way possible. He cried, he screamed, he yelled….and then he laid on his dog/best friend. The famous Henry was his therapy and peace.

I will forever be thankful we said yes to the mess and the stress.

Virtual Therapy


One thing the pandemic gave us is virtual options! My therapy for my mental health is now done all online and I love the option of being in my comfy home as I spill out the dirty laundry of my soul.

I dread therapy every session, but leave so fulfilled and heard. Just saying it out loud is freeing like it is no longer a secret.

The mental health market is booming so kudos to all of you that chose the right college degree!

Thankful therapy is no longer a bad word or something you keep a secret, but something to say proudly as a step in caring for yourself.

Texas Therapy


Leave it to Texas to not know how it feels. It’s like my therapy I attend monthly…just talking until I figure it out. But here I am, under a heated blanket, beside a fire and trying to be productive while the city and school shuts down for an ice day.

I will not complain. I love the time at home…introvert and homebody over here. Love being lazy and love time with my son. Hoping I use this day to catch up with God and with life!

Texas- please make up your mind!

Looking sick vs Being sick


I am sick. Lupus does that to you. Most days I do not mind. Most days my disease is manageable. On the hard days, it sucks, but all in all I am blessed. My struggle is silent. I go to work daily. I rarely complain. The people who know the truth are my son and husband. They feel the weight of my lack of energy and overall fatigue. Sad, but true. My job gets the best I can offer while my family suffers.

I started with Plaquenil and it worked until it didn’t. Methotrexate was a no go after a few months. Cellcept lasted a month, but I am stopping it due to excessive hair loss. I am sick, but I refuse to look sick.

This was a good pic of me in November. Hard to believe that was 3 months ago.

I have such thick hair that the hair loss is still somewhat disguisable, but I see it and feel it.

This is Lupus. It is sneaky and complicated and can bring even a confident person to their knees. I am stopping Cellcept until we can start something else. I am willing to endure the temporary pain. Pray with me as we figure this out. I think Benalysta may be next.