Tag Archives: puggles

Saying Good-Bye


We said good-bye to our dog of 16 years this week.

To be honest, it was time, but that does not make it easier. She was deaf, blind and like her sister suffering from kidney disease.

We knew it was coming, but still not ready. It all happened quickly while we were in the Bahamas, but thankful we could make it back home so we could be together.

Explaining death to a 9 year old never is easy, but it gives us more opportunity to talk about God and heaven and Jesus.

The hurt is real, but so is the beauty of a best friend. The creature at my feet each night and the unconditional love in the loneliness. The loyal companion of my adult years. I miss her busting through the closet or barging in on my bathtime. Even miss the way she did anything to get to food…I miss her. But the pain is worth the 16 years of joy and the happy times of her youth.

Furry Family


This sweet Puggle is 15 years old.

She is blind.

She is deaf.

She is old.

She loves me. She is my best friend.

Dogs are a gift and teach me more than I realize especially about loyalty and trust.

She will not be here forever, but her love lessons will never be forgotten.