Tag Archives: goals

Goal to stay Work out Motivated


I have lost workout motivation. I make every excuse with the biggest one being that I do not want to sweat right now. But I know I need it and love the benefits. So my plan is to create workout motivation.

One-a song playlist that gets me going.

Two-accountability app to check in and set goals.

Three-look at this picture to get these arms.

January 1st is just another day…


To me January 1st is just another day. Whatever vision you had on December 31st could be done then…why wait? Why be dramatic about January 1st…it seems like it is setting one up to get on this hig emotional high then fail. However, I do love graduations to reflect and endings call for new beginnings.

Four areas I want to examine:


Relationship goals…lifelong friends where you can be vulnerable and fail, but they pick you up.

Spiritual Habits

calendar of praying for a child

Health-mind and physical. I am hopeful to get answers to my weight loss, gain some weight, and not let inflammation bring me down.

My CG trainer and my spin class teacher- mix up the workouts!

Reading-both to grow and for pleasure

Bible Recap Reading Plan

I see these four areas as important to me and areas where I can grow. Work is important too and I have goals there…but at my stage of life…so much time is spent on making a name for myself as a teacher that it is exhausting. Sometimes I just need to live my life and bring that to the curriculum I know.

Teacher friends
Always a learner

My school family!

So today, give yourself grace. Notice the baby steps to be better, but do not suffocate yourself with strict guidelines. Enjoy the journey!

Be you and embrace it!
Appreciate where you are! Some may see this as being complacent but I see it as being content. You are enough!
I love hearing feedback from people I trust, but you cannot make everyone happy.
Move forward afraid.
This is a fun tool to track exercise or books read or classes attended…

Happy 2022. The year I blog until I get busy again!

The face I make returning to school after a long break!

Camp Gladiator Update


You can tell I am a teacher since I have the time for three posts in a day!

Last summer I tried a new workout to stay out of a pandemic funk, heal my body from the negative effects of Lupus, build muscle and please my husband who loves fitness (gotta be honest). A year later and I am still going strong!

I find I look forward to it most weeks and I am seeing results. I have built new friendships and look better in my jeans so there is a winning all around. Added bonus love is I am seeing results with energy teas and protein shakes…all of it together and I can see and feel the difference.

I am a small girl so I am hoping the protein shakes will help me to look stronger, but I love how I feel and that was my biggest goal from the beginning.

Camp Gladiator promotions are based on referrals and I have none so if you want to try it then I can get you the info! Virtual options make a workout from anywhere possible! Even if you have another workout you love, just keep moving and I will be cheering you on all the way. Summer body is no joke and bikinis can be brutal…we are all doing the best we can!

Declaring a Goal


I am putting it out to the universe a few goals I have for 2021 in hopes to hold myself accountable:

Goal 1: continue with Camp Gladiator to gain strength and good health. Of all the things in 2020 that make me proud, starting an exercise routine and sticking with it is at the top of my list. I pay more than I prefer, but I go and that is huge! I see results in my arms, abs and ass…also a positive. I feel more confident and my clothes fit. So the money is worth the confidence! I have paid gym memberships for years and never go so this works for me!

Goal 2: community. 2020 taught me to be vulnerable and be brave with people. I already joined a water group, Bible reading group and Camp Gladiator and hope to continue to step out with people. I have thought a lot about what people would say at my funeral and I hope they say “she was love”. My quote last year was “How do people feel about themselves in your presence?” I hope it is something positive!

Goal 3: get a foster care placement. This involves finishing the paperwork and application process so lots to do to reach this goal.

Goal 4: most important read the whole Bible this year. Growing closer to God and bearing more fruit that shows the light of Christ is always top priority but often my calendar and time does not show it, so accomplishing this will be huge for me.

Goal 5: continue to grow myself as a writer through this blog! Writing is my thing that I know God has gifted me to do and I pray to use this gift for His glory.