Tag Archives: friends

Golf even if you suck!


I suck at golf. The guys behind us confirmed our slowness but we did it anyway. No practice and way too much confidence but we finished and laughed and kinda loved it despite 104 temps.

Whose idea was this? Oh wait….it was mine.

Bought a cute outfit. I was on point

Was I the best? No where near it. But we laughed, took pics, made new friends, had an adventure.

Live life and have a blast!!



I did a new thing tonight and tried my first cycling class in like 10 years. First, cycling has changed a lot in those 10 years. It use to be okay to just look like you are working hard…now there is a screen that calls you out when you slack. Now there are lights and fancy technology and weights WITH cycling.

Mind blown.

Feels part club and part gym, but it is full intensity and very good workout. I have a feeling my legs will be sore especially since I have not worked out in 3 months.

Strongly encourage you to grab your friends and make it a girls night! Get your workout on for mind clarity and body workout!