Tag Archives: date your spouse

Pomifera Skincare Line


I might be addicted…it is hard to say. However, I love the feel and smell of this skincare line so I keep coming back.

I do not sell it

Everything I say here is as a customer only. But when you find something you like then you share it. For instance, I love Jesus so I share my testimony of his goodness and grace. I love skincare products that make me feel like I am trying not to look over 41 so I share it.

As you can see…I buy it a lot. But I will share my fave 3 used most often.

1. Precleanse spray. I struggle to wash my face so their spray helps me out by doing the tough job without the cold water.

Exfoliant. My face is rough and this scrub feels like microdermabrasion. It gets to the core of removing dead skin to reveal the soft stuff underneath.

Healing body oil with the radiant hair oil scent. The smell makes me feel rich while the oil repairs sun damage and my face soaks it all up to stay hydrated.

Honorable mention is the peppermint face wash and my newest product is a citrus face lotion. Again, I am a scent girl! Comment if interested in a link to see prices, reviews and learn more…but again…I do not sell it so I get nothing in return!

Growing old is tough. It is harder when men (aka my husband) seem to get better with time. We ladies gotta do what we can to stay young or at least feel young. Being proactive by taking care of my skin is the first step.

I also find I do my best self care over summer, but hopefully will build habits that carry over!

Date Night


I was super surprised when my husband texted to get a sitter, he had a reservation and we were going out. First, he is not romantic so him planning date night was super special and second the place was fancy! We had not been to a steak place in like a decade. Steaks were our norm before kids, but then who has 300 dollars for a meal (we drink a lot). So this was a splurge and I loved it!

I got to get super dressed up, take an hour to get ready, and we even did pre drinks and much needed talking. The roads were getting bad so we cut the night short to get the kid, but it was a night we needed and memories to last for the next decade when we do it again!

Take the Trips


Not much I disagree with Dave Ramsey about, but I found something big a year ago. Three years ago, I started down the path of becoming debt free. Our family always took trips during the summer and one of the big ways to save money was cut those out. So we did. For two years. We were sad, but we had a goal. Flash forward and we found ourselves fighting to save our marriage.

We had been so busy balancing our budget we forgot to balance our marriage. Neither of us realized those trips rejuvenated our marriage and reconnected us to each other. The two thousand dollar trip was now small compared to splitting up a quarter of a million in assets and attorney fees. We committed to always take the trip and figure out how to save elsewhere or bring in more income.

This weekend we took another get away that on paper does not look all good, but in our hearts was so worth it. We laughed, cried, listened, sang, chair danced, told stories and enjoyed each other. Away from the house and the chores. Away from the kid. Away from our city and friends. Just.us.two.

My favorite part of the night might be eating at 11pm at a restaurant totally picked by me. Now if we fought about money then none of this would be a good idea…I dream of the day of not being a slave to the lender, but when that day comes I want to be celebrating with my first and only husband so some seasons you just need to take the trip.