Mom So Hard


I blogged earlier about traveling with these friends and ALL our kids. What I forgot to mention was how they each inspired me to see them in their mom role. Often our times together look more like the movie Bad Moms. We drink our parenting problems away as we vent and support each other through life. However on this trip I got a front row seat to how hard they each mom in unique ways.

Two mommed hard in the teenage phase. Dealing with hard conversations and boundaries while also exploring independence.

One was still in the littles phase while rubbing her daughter’s back to sleep and fixing her hair.

One amazed me with her awareness to allergies and health issues. I stared in awe as each meal was planned out.

Another handled a medical condition like a boss checking blood sugars and insulin levels.

Each of us doing the best we can, but having the support of each other. This is what being a mom should be like. Admiring each other as we parent that specific child to meet his or her needs in that specific environment. There is no one way or right way-but oh what a difference it makes when we celebrate and cheer each other on.

Keep momming hard! You are doing it right!

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